The Open Mech Game uses six-sided dice. Players play mechs and their pilots, and the GM plays everything else.


Roll 1d6. 5+ is a success, 1-4 is a failure.

  • Mechs: add the listed attribute (if any) to the result of the roll.

  • Pilots: if skilled or properly equipped, succeed automatically.

Contested Checks

The aggressor rolls a check. Compare the two listed attributes (if any), taking +1 to the check if yours is higher or -1 if it’s lower.


You start at rank 0, and your rank increases as you complete missions:


Rank Points

You put rank points into packages. You can reallocate your rank points whenever your rank increases.

Mech Points

Mech points describe how a mech operates. You put them into its attributes: Hull, Processing, or Engineering, 0 to 3 each.

Here are some examples of checks and contested checks that a mech might make:

HullFeats of endurance, withstanding environmental factors.
ProcessingAccessing data, calculations, keeping balance, intricate/quick manual maneuvers.
EngineeringFeats of strength, lifting, pushing, demolishing.
Contested HullOutmuscling another mech, physical domination.
Contested ProcessingDefending against/performing cyberattacks, being the first to act, outrunning another mech.
Hull vs. ProcessingTackling, grappling, dragging other mechs around.


Mechs are terrible instruments of industry and violence.To create a mech...

  1. Allocate your starting mech points.

  2. Calculate and write down your mech's stats:

SizeEqual to  Hull. 
Max HPEqual to  Hull × 5, minimum 3.  When a mech’s HP hits 0, it is destroyed.
Sensor RangeEqual to  Processing × 3.  Determines the maximum distance at which you can target tech actions.
SpeedEqual to  2 + Processing + Engineering. 
Heat CapacityAt the end of its turn, if a mech’s heat exceeds  Engineering + 3,  its reactor melts down.
Weapon Capacity*Equal to  Engineering + 2, but not more than Hull + 2.  Limits which weapons a mech can slot.
System Capacity*Equal to  Processing + 2.  Limits which systems a mech can slot.

*A weapon or system’s size (0 to 3) describes how much capacity it uses.

  1. Spend your rank points on packages.

  2. From your selected packages, choose the weapons, systems, and directives installed on your mech.

  3. Name your mech and write down its look.


Pilots are people who operate mechs. Military vanguard, private contractors, mercenaries, industrial laborers.Though pilots can appear larger than life, the best of them is as effortlessly atomized by mech weapons and small arms fire as anyone else. Pilots survive by their wits alone.To create a pilot...

  1. Choose 3 skills or make up your own.

  2. Choose up to 5 pieces of gear.

  3. Give your pilot a look and callsign.

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